Top 3 Reasons To Have More Sex - The Iqra Show


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Top 3 Reasons To Have More Sex

For healthy, consenting adults, sex can be great or even mind= blowing. But getting busy with a partner can also have some legit benefits beyond our brainwaves. Read on for more reasons to get it on (as if we needed ‘em)!


This Is Your Body On Sex

The good feelings swirling around the brain during sexytimes are due to brain chemistry, specifically dopamine and opoid chemicals. But the goodness extends beyond our brains. Studies have found that regular sex can do way more than make us feel warm and fuzzy.

1. It helps ward off cold and flu.

Researchers found that university students who engaged in sexual activity a few times a week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A—an antibody that helps fight infections and the common cold—in their saliva. Interestingly enough, the IgA levels were highest in couples who consistently had sex a few times a week but lower in people who had no sex or lots of sex.


2. It improves overall physical fitness.

If you’re looking for more motivation to hit the gym, consider this: Working out regularly tends to improve our sex lives and having sex regularly can improve physical fitness. Everyone who’s ever watched an R-rated movie knows sexytime can be quite the cardio workout—in fact, half an hour of sex can burn more than 144 calories. Studies have also shown that exercising frequently can enhance sexual performance,

3. It boosts brainpower.

A study on adult rats found that the sexually active rodents experienced an increase in neurons in the hippocampus —a part of the brain that stores memories—compared to their virginal rat buddies. Not only that, but researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that sexual encounters may improve people’s analytical thinking.

Original Title: 15 Science-Backed Reasons to Have More Sex
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