10 Most Isolated Places In The World - The Iqra Show


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10 Most Isolated Places In The World

1. Oymyakon, Russia

This place is by far, the coldest inhabited area on the planet. It is so cold that the entire town is basically frozen for the most part of every year. Located in Russia, which has super-cold weather, Oymyakon has temperatures that average minus 60 degrees Celcius in the winter.

Oymyakon, which means “Unfrozen water”, is more of a lost city surrounded by steeps. Its residents of about 500 people live in darkness for 21 hours a day, and you can’t find any other town for miles. The closest, or what you could consider closest places from the town are Yakutsk or to Magadan.
However, they are both 560 miles away. Driving to Omymakon from these places is not entirely safe and is advised that no one should travel the roads alone. For the most part, the residents rely on reindeer meat, frozen fish, and ice cubes of horse blood with macaroni, due to difficulty growing crops – according to WIRED. To get to this place can be a really tough challenge as it can take you days.

2. Mêdog, Tibet

Mêdog is a small town located in Tibet. Hidden in a valley and completely surrounded by towering mountains, this small isolated place is a perfect getaway for criminals running from the authorities.
The town is accessible by road, which was built in 2013. However, the road is only accessible 7 months in a year due to difficult weather conditions. This is one place you don’t want to get ill in or hurt because the closest hospital is miles away. Even before the roads were built, it was strange to hear people die of simple things like an infected cut.

3. Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

This small island is located about halfway between Norway and Iceland. It is the smallest capital city in the world, and it is named after Thor, the god of thunder and lightning in Norse mythology. It’s a small town, with locals who are proud of their small-town hospitality.
According to their official website, locals say the town “is the sort of place where people still have time for each other.” There are direct flights from destinations like Denmark, Scotland, Iceland and Norway that are offered directly by Atlantic Airways and Scandinavian Airlines.

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